Logos for LINK!

The 4th of July has come and gone and it was a busy one but I had an opportunity to work on branding for LINK!.

Gone with the obnoxious to type dots and in with an exciting exclamation point. Why you might ask? Because I like drawing exclamation points!

I’ve also been reworking LINK’s code base. Removing any repeated, copy/paste code, putting it in functions and removing instances of functions that were only called once.

Embarrassingly, I also found out Lua limits upvalues to 60 per function call. Basically I’ve declared too many local variables. But that’s the problem with inlining all my code into one super update loop.

On the bright side, this forced me to rework a lot of code that I originally wrote in a hurry and found to be difficult to understand.

There’s more that needs to be done (isn’t there always?) but for now I have a little more breathing room when adding new features.

Lastly, LINK! JAMboree is in 10 days and I plan on releasing the final jam version of LINK! this weekend to give everyone a chance to try it out before it really matters.

Oh yeah, and now it’s called LINK! JAMboree and comes complete with a brand new banner and cover art!

As much as I hoped to, it’s looking unlikely I’ll be releasing a game for a jam about time. I was looking forward to it but I had other things that took priority.


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