Let's Get Wild at the LINK! JAMboree

I’ve been struggling to figure out why I had created LINK.

Yes, I’ve always wanted a quick and easy to use productivity software but for the most part, I’ve got it. LINK does what I need it to.

The question now is, where to do want to go from here?

I need to release a new product on Itch, it’s been awhile, so I’m going to take LINK as it is and work on a game that builds off top of it.

I’ve already done it once with Goldilocks but it was a rushed and half-baked idea and I was way too literal in my usage of LINK.

Don’t get me wrong, I think the game has some potential. I like the idea that you’re navigating to different areas and if you get off course one way or another, the story can change in subtle or dramatic ways.

The big problem is navigation is not fun, it’s a tedious slog through a boring environment.

Using LINK!

Part of me wants to turn LINK into the game engine. Notes could be used as player entities, obstacles in the way, or mobs.

The other part of me wants to use LINK as an in game editor which the game is run parallel to.

I’d to use LINK as part of the game play in some way, call it a limitation if you will, but I’m not interested in extending it much. It is what it is and it’s either helpful or not.

I’m out of ideas.

I Need a Game to Make

I can’t start this project without a new game that I’d like to make. I need the project to make sure I’m working towards a finished product and not just adding another useless feature.

It can be anything that I want it to be, but I have to use LINK in some way.


I think it’s time for a LINK! JAMboree!

I didn’t do much for the last jam because I was busy working on LINK but that’s not the case this time around.

The Next LINK! JAMboree!

I’ll work on some graphics and copy for it before I make it official but, yeah, a LINK jam sounds like fun.

I’ll post some ideas I have for a theme in the comments below. Feel free to add any ideas you might have.

The only limit is it’s necessary to use LINK in some way. Using any other game engine or framework is fine, but LINK has to be some part of the process.

Even more exciting, the 0.8 Alpha release of LINK is open source under a permissive license so if you decide to throw together a game that extends LINK, it’s yours to do whatever you’d like with it. You can view the code on github.

I’ll work up the details, figure something out, and let you know about it soon.


LINK! version 0.8 Alpha 3 MB
Dec 18, 2021


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