Tell Me, What Sucks?

I believe at this point the application’s absolute bare minimum raison d’être has been realized.

I am able to use LINK nearly everyday and don’t have any major issues with it.

I’ve begun to worry about things like code organization and optimization because I’m happy with its current state and as something I use nearly everyday I want it to use as few CPU cycles as I can make possible.

I’m happy with LINK and I hope you are too.

So I’m curious, what sucks about using LINK?

What is the second most annoying thing you wish was fixed?

Did you find that you somehow made it work and as long as nothing weird happens you’re fine?

How do you use LINK?

Are you upset that it doesn’t have an option to order pizza?

Anything you think would help de-suckify LINK, I’d like to know.


Okay, so you might have noticed the version number has more dots in it. Version is a very minor update, I wouldn’t blame you if you gave it a pass.

All that I have ready for release is now all notes are rendered to a canvas before it is rendered to screen. Overall, a minor performance increase. At this point I believe it will require me to overhaul the entire rendering pipeline to find any significant improvements so I’m calling it good for now.

Otherwise, most of my work on LINK was in researching different libraries and frameworks and porting over old code of mine to be used in LINK.

Not an overly exciting release.


LINK Jam is upon us!

Hosted by The Tool Jam, Léon has done a great job designing the page and getting it all ready to go.

While I’m sure there’s something I’ll want to change or update to the jam before it starts, you can join now and start thinking about what you’d like to do.

Now I have to think about a theme. What good jam doesn’t have a theme?

What’s Next

I need an improved UI layer for LINK. As much as I’d like to see what a single mouse button can do, there’s certain features that will not work without a more robust system.

My goal is to integrate the UI into what already exists and not just throw another framework on top. If I have already have a button to confirm quitting with unsaved changes, I’d like to be able to add a button to a note, for example.

I’ve worked on making UI systems before and they always take far longer than I imagine. There’s a lot of edge cases to account for. On the bright side, I’ve worked on this before so I’m not going in blind. Either way, don’t expect this feature in a week.

More importantly is the upcoming LINK Jam.

I want to make sure there are as few bugs as possible before the jam. I intend on treading carefully, continuing on cleaning up messy code and condensing repetitive code.

As of now, I won’t be making any changes or adding any features that will require me to hack in a bunch of changes to get them to work.

But wait!

If you have something you’d like to see or a problem you have in LINK that you’d like fixed before LINK Jam, please let me know in the comments as soon as possible. If it’s serious enough, I will still have time to clean up the mess after I’ve disrupted the apple cart.


L.I.N.K. v0.4.2.1 3 MB
Jun 20, 2021


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